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QdP House Owner's Open Meeting 2010 - Sat 27th March
QdP House Owner's Open Meeting 2010 - Sat 27th March
Last year the AGM of the QdP Association of House Owners was preceded by an Open Meeting for all Owners of a house on the QDP complex. The aim being to foster more liaison and cooperation between all house owners, both members and non-members. This Open meeting is being repeated this year so just a reminder to come along to the Pizzeria Trattoria at QdP, at 2pm on Saturday 27th March for an open discussion with QdP Management and the Board. I am only sorry that I can not be there - but my husband will be there on our behalf.
Re: QdP House Owner's Open Meeting 2010 - Sat 27th March
Minutes have now been mailed out and are also available on "What's New" at http://www.hoa-qdp.org